A little bit about me

Born in Key West, FL and growing up on that island, I have grown into the unique perspective of seeing things as a “Conch”. A love for the ocean and many of the activities that accompany having saltwater run through my veins comes with the territory. This relationship with the marine lifestyle has kept me close to the coast and water most of my life. With a fishing pole, mask & snorkel, fins, trunks and surfboard I’m ready for the next adventure.

From a very young age I have drawn, built, fixed and led creative endeavors. Whether that was Lego constructions and models to explore the imagination, skateboard ramps in the woods for our posse to shred, or just drawing and painting for the love it, I was always looking for a creative outlet to express myself. This artistic drive still pushes me today. Coming from a line of trained problem solvers, I’m also pretty handy with a set of tools and always willing to get my hands dirty.

After high school I enlisted and trained as a U.S. Navy EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) Diver and UXO (Unexploded Ordnance) contractor where I was making the world safer one detonation at a time. During these tours of duty I had the opportunity to travel, live and work throughout the U.S. and in several different countries. After these tours I followed through with studies in Fine Arts and eventually a BFA in Graphic Design.

Life has settled down some and during the working hours I am a senior art & creative director. With these skills I help build and manage teams that develop brands and products by solving business challenges through effective communication and clear user experiences. As a hands-on leader this outlet lets me explore the more technical nature of creativity and developing concepts for a specific use. But as an artist, self-exploration through the mediums used is an essential part of the process.